Strong images: cyclist was attacked by a bull in full competition

On Tuesday, February 15, a situation occurred that left all those who were watching at that time with their hearts in their hands. During the Bianchi Rock Cobblera mountain biking event held in California, United States, one of the participants was heavily charged by a bull.

When the cyclists realized the presence of the animal in the place, they decided to take alternative routes, which would prevent the animal from hitting them or from being injured in any way.

But, unlike his companions in competition, one of them continued to advance until he came across the bull. Unfortunately for him, the animal attacked him directly, knocking him off the bike.

In addition to the initial charge, the bull hit him repeatedly, until due to the adrenaline of the moment, the cyclist stopped and ran to prevent the animal from attacking him again.

“I have never been so sore. Initially, right after the attack, my neck was killing me. That was the focal point of the pain, now it is the lower back, ”said the protagonist of the events to local media.

Despite the force of the blow, the cyclist did not have any serious consequences.

This was the tense moment

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