Study .. a strong indicator that predicts the risk of death in the elderly

A study found that elderly people who cannot balance on one foot for ten seconds have an 84% higher risk of death than those who can, according to Big Think.

Balance is not often assessed during regular checkups for older adults, but a study, recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, suggests it should be included routinely. Those who could balance on one foot for ten seconds had an 84% higher risk of death than their peers who could successfully perform the test, even after adjusting for age, gender, body mass, and comorbidities such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

long-term study

Just over 1,700 Brazilian adults participated in the study as part of the CLINIMEX long-term exercise group. Each subject underwent a fairly standard physical examination, with the addition of a very rudimentary balance test. Each participant was asked to stand barefoot on a flat platform with arms folded at their side and eyes fixed and looking forward.

The participants were then given three attempts to balance on a foot of their choice for at least ten seconds. A doctor or nurse assistant should stand nearby to stabilize the subject if a fall begins.

After the age of sixty

After testing, the researchers followed the subjects for an average of seven years. The researchers found that people’s ability to complete a balance test declines rapidly after the age of 60.

While nearly 95% of participants ages 51 to 55 can balance on one leg for ten seconds, only 82% of participants ages 61 to 65 can. Only 46% of people between the ages of 71 and 75 were able to complete the test.

confusing variables

The researchers found that given that older adults were more likely to fail the test, it is not surprising that falls were associated with a higher risk of death – which is nearly five times greater.

But when people are matched on the basis of age and confounding variables such as obesity and other health problems are excluded, the result is still strong. Failure to balance on one leg for ten seconds has been linked to an 84% increased risk of all-cause mortality.

Seniors fitness

Other similar physical tests have previously been used to identify older adults at greatest risk of death. For example, studies consistently show that older adults with the greatest grip strength, which is used as a way to measure overall physical strength, live longer and have a significantly lower risk of death than older adults with poor grip strength.

Taken together, the results suggest that superior fitness in the elderly offers benefits beyond just heart health and improved metabolism, and there could be other biological benefits.

Danger of falling and tripping

Another explanation given by researchers about the disparity in risk of death is that individuals with better balance may be less likely to fall. The researchers noted that “every year an estimated 684,000 people die from falls globally. Even if a fall does not directly lead to death, it can certainly lead to physical or cognitive disability, which can significantly reduce the average life expectancy

exercise routine

The researchers note that the balance test was “remarkably safe and well-received by participants, and most importantly, it is simple to include in routine medical practices because it takes no more than a minute or two to apply as part of regular physical examinations.”

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