Study: Reducing table salt is bad for people with this disease

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The researchers said in the study, the results of which were published in the journal "heart disease" Medical "Excessive restriction in eating the salt Diet can harm patients with heart failure With the ejection fraction remaining. Physicians should reconsider giving this advice to patients".

Heart failure usually results from the heart’s inability to pump enough blood, andejection fraction It is the percentage of blood in the main pumping chamber that is expelled with each beat, and a normal rate of it is between 50 and 75 percent, according to the American Heart Association.

The ejection fraction is usually measured only in the left ventricle, which is the heart’s main pumping chamber. It pumps oxygen-rich blood up through the main artery (aorta) to the rest of the body.

The researchers added that limiting salt is frequently recommended in heart failure guidelines, but the optimal amount in patients with heart failure remains a matter of debate.

In their study, the researchers relied on analyzing data from 1,713 people aged 50 or older.

The research was designed to determine whether a drug Spironolactone Able to treat heart failure while maintaining ejection fraction.

Study participants were asked how much salt they routinely add when they cook Food Basic, such as rice, pasta, potatoes, soup, meat and vegetables.

This was scored as 0 points if they did not add salt, 1 for every 1/8 teaspoon, 2 for every 1/4 teaspoon, and 3 for every 1/2 teaspoon, or more, knowing that nearly half of the participants scored a score of zero, according to agency quotes "UPI" for the news

The study found that participants who received a score of cooking salt Above zero, they were at significantly lower risk than individuals whose score was zero.

The study cautioned that more research should be conducted to verify the role of other factors contributing to the effect of salt on the body heart healthand their interactions with each other.


In the study, the results of which were published in the medical journal Cardiology, the researchers said, “Excessive restriction in eating the salt Diet can harm patients with heart failure With the ejection fraction remaining. Physicians should reconsider giving this advice to patients.”

Heart failure usually results from the heart’s inability to pump enough blood, andejection fraction It is the percentage of blood in the main pumping chamber that is expelled with each beat, and a normal rate of it is between 50 and 75 percent, according to the American Heart Association.

The ejection fraction is usually measured only in the left ventricle, which is the heart’s main pumping chamber. It pumps oxygen-rich blood up through the main artery (aorta) to the rest of the body.

The researchers added that limiting salt is frequently recommended in heart failure guidelines, but the optimal amount in patients with heart failure remains a matter of debate.

In their study, the researchers relied on analyzing data from 1,713 people aged 50 or older.

The research was designed to determine whether a drug Spironolactone Able to treat heart failure while maintaining ejection fraction.

Study participants were asked how much salt they routinely add when they cook Food Basic, such as rice, pasta, potatoes, soup, meat and vegetables.

This was scored as 0 points if they did not add salt, 1 for every 1/8 teaspoon, 2 for every 1/4 teaspoon, and 3 for every 1/2 teaspoon, or more, knowing that nearly half of the participants scored a score of zero, according to It was reported by UPI news agency.

The study found that participants who received a score of cooking salt Above zero, they were at significantly lower risk than individuals whose score was zero.

The study cautioned that more research is needed to verify the role of other factors contributing to the effect of salt on the body heart healthand their interactions with each other.

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