Study reveals benefit for cholesterol medication that was not known

02:06 p

Saturday, December 10, 2022

A recent medical study revealed an unknown benefit of harmful cholesterol-lowering drugs, which are commonly used to protect the heart from clots.

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, brain hemorrhage constitutes about 15 to 30 percent of the factors that lead to strokes.

With this type of stroke, arteries or veins rupture, and the bleeding itself can damage brain tissue.

Excess blood in the brain may also increase intracranial pressure to a degree that further damages the brain.

“While statins have been shown to reduce the risk of stroke from blood clots, there has been conflicting research on whether the use of statins increases or decreases a person’s risk of bleeding within the brain,” said study author David Geist, from the University of Southern Denmark. For the first time,” according to “Sky News.”

“We found that those who used statins had a lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke,” Geist added.

What does the study say?

In the study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the researchers examined health records in Denmark, and selected 989 people suffering from intracerebral hemorrhage, specifically in the lobe region.

The lobe region includes most parts of the brain, such as the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.

The non-lobular region includes the basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem.

The average age of the people included in the study was 76 years.

The researchers compared them with 39,500 people who had not had this type of stroke, and who were similar in terms of age, gender and other factors.

The researchers also studied 1,175 people with an average age of 75 who suffered from intracerebral hemorrhage in the non-lobular parts, and compared them to more than 46,000 people who had not had this type of stroke.

After adjusting for factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and alcohol use, the researchers found that people taking statins had a 17 percent lower risk of having a stroke in the lobar regions of the brain, and a 16 percent lower risk of having a stroke in the non-lobular regions of the brain.

A lower risk of stroke in both regions of the brain was associated with taking statins for a longer time.

People had a 33 percent lower risk of having a stroke in the lobe region of the brain, and a 38 percent lower risk of having a stroke in the non-lobular region of the brain when using statins for 5 years.

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