Stunning discovery this Monday morning in Ostend: a younger whale discovered stranded on the seashore

This Monday morning, a whale weighing 300 kilos and three meters lengthy was discovered stranded on the seashore in Ostend. “It is a sharp-snouted whale, a really younger animal. We suspect he was nonetheless breastfed. He’s extraordinarily skinny. He in all probability misplaced his mom. It is a male.” explains Jan Haelters, marine biologist on the Royal Belgian Institute of Pure Sciences.

Rescuers found him round 9 a.m. this morning. He was floating within the water, however it was not possible to know if he had already died. Later within the afternoon, the animal was transported to Ghent. The post-mortem was carried out by Thierry Jauniaux, marine veterinarian on the College of Liège. His first conclusion: extraordinarily skinny, the animal would have died of hunger.

Throughout the necropsy, the veterinarian additionally found hemorrhagic syndrome. A number of samples taken from the animal will make it attainable to determine a attainable illness, one other attainable explanation for loss of life.

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