Stunning Image of M51 Spiral Galaxy Captured by James Webb Space Telescope

2023-08-31 12:43:00

Lately, the James Webb Space Telescope has been snapping images of all sorts of exciting cosmic objects, and the latest addition to this amazing collection is an image of the M51 spiral galaxy, which frankly looks too sci-fi to be real. The image highlights the colors found throughout the Milky Way and depicts its twisted spiral, almost creating an optical illusion as if you’re peering into a galactic tunnel. According to the European Space Agency, the description of the image reads: “A large spiral galaxy occupies the entire image. The core is mostly bright white, but also has detailed swirls, resembling water swirling in a gutter. The core Stars and dust at the center glow white and bluish, but it is strictly confined to the core. The rings are dark red and orange in color and highlight the dusty filaments surrounding the spongy black bubbles. Check out the Milky Way image below , let us know what you think of this striking image. This is an advertisement: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Adamo (Stockholm University) and the FEAST JWST team
#Milky #Image #SciFi #Real #Gamereactor

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