Sufi Ki Sultana | Harshdeep Kaur

Har is a name among Indians that needs no special introduction. Shdeep Kaur. With its distinct melodiousness, it is placed in the category of Sufi-film music. Harshadeep Kaur is there. Harshadeep Itindi in Hindi, Punjabi, English and Sufi music branches. The sound of cum has passed. It starts from my father’s musical instrument factory. Jaitra Yatra to Rashaddeep’s music. Harsh raining music in various countries including UAE Deep shares features with ‘Gulf Media’.

First Step into Music

My musical journey is seen as the blessing of my parents. At the age of five, he sang in front of a large crowd for the first time. If two people talk about me and my music Only the parents’ efforts are behind it. Come with me to Mumbai and pour energy and cut me right. obeyed The obligations to them cannot be put into words.

Different languages

Singing in different languages ​​at the same time is a great challenge. was Different letters, different italic styles started with heavy bar. are That’s why all the lines in all the languages ​​have been changed to Hindi. The habit is to note down what feels good and focus on it. . Let us help you as a song writer or music composer in Sadharanagati. Always ready to serve.

A.R. Rahman, Vishal Shekhar, Shankar, Amitri Vedi

I am lucky to have worked with all of them. Each composer organizes music in a different way. Th. Therefore, he is taught through each different constitutional style. Those are the things. Music composers create many tunes for my voice. I count on persistence.

In Hollywood

I am truly blessed. A.R. for the Hollywood film. I remember singing with Rahman in his London studio. . Spent 127 hours here. The language of music is music. Music is beyond state, language and culture.

The secret of the turban

I don’t wear turban in normal life. Sufi music emphasizes more than ‘sick’ identity It is worn by Tinal. I request you to cover your head in ghazal vedhis. Adds a turban to make it more of a style statement. It is changing.

Spiritual music

Devotional songs are a part of people’s daily life. Enjoying spiritual music through my voice and through it their lives. It is also a great fortune to be able to share myself. Personally and musically very fond of spiritual songs. is doing

New level

Shra is going to be a trend on social media especially with Yuthalamura. The best They want fame for a short time. The next generation is ready to learn the technical lessons of music. Rakana is my view.

All the family

The family plays little role in determining a person’s destiny. No. Both the families helped in a measured way before and after the marriage. . The family is often a good critic and critic. My family has sacrificed everything for me.

Future plans

The years have passed with Covid and Lockdown. I intend to dedicate 2023 only for music.

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