Sunday July 9 Weather Report: Yellow Alerts for Heat and Thunderstorms Across the Country

2023-07-08 19:11:29

Weather report

Two simultaneous yellow alerts will concern the whole country, this Sunday, July 9.

After placing the south of the country on yellow alert for heat warning for the afternoon of Saturday July 8, MeteoLux is doing it again for Sunday July 9. This time, the whole of the Grand Duchy is concerned by two very distinct vigilances.

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The first always concerns temperatures. This new heat warning runs from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. this Sunday, July 9, and therefore concerns the whole country. In the south, “maximum temperatures will be between 30 and 32 degrees,” says MeteoLux. Maximums that may be exceeded “along the Moselle and in urban areas”, where the national forecaster expects peaks beyond 33 degrees.

Storm alert in Lorraine

On the same time slot, a second vigilance will be in progress. This time, it is the risk of thunderstorms that worries MeteoLux. These may be accompanied by “accumulations of 15 to 20 liters / m²” and “gusts up to 80 km / h”, as much in the north as in the south.

While the mercury will climb to 34 degrees in Metz and Nancy, Météo-France has not issued any particular vigilance for the departments of Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle, which remain classified green for the day of Saturday. On the other hand, the two departments will be colored yellow for the whole day of Sunday July 9 due to the risk of thunderstorms.

#Storms #heat #put #Luxembourg #yellow #alert

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