Gentile, a stamp 80 years after his death. The applause of the right –

The Coordination of the Forum of Right-wing Associations gathered in Rome at the CIS headquarters expressed heartfelt thanks to Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano for having given life to a cultural initiative on the eightieth anniversary of the assassination of the philosopher Giovanni Gentile, a leading figure of culture of the 20th century, cowardly murdered on 15 April 1944. With the commemorative stamp, Italy pays homage to the man who designed the Italian school reform.

Another gaffe from the left.  FdI condemns the Roman greetings

In the meeting of the Coordination of the Forum, the writer and essayist Adalberto Baldoni, to make his own, demolished the falsehoods of a small volume that participates in the Strega, recalling how already several years ago with Sandro Profisionato in the volume “The years of lead” they denounced in great detail the organization of the Acca Larenzia massacre once morest all the left-wing falsifications regarding the murder of the young MSI members of the Tuscolano section. At the end of the meeting Domenico Gramazio remembered the sacrifice of the Mattei Brothers and that on April 16th we will be in Primavalle alongside his sister Antonella Mattei in memory of Virgilio and Stefano.

#Gentile #stamp #years #death #applause #Tempo
2024-04-17 02:13:15



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