supplements that help fight disease

Osteoporosis is a common disease in adults; This is why the best way to prevent this pathology is through a healthy and balanced diet and the practice of frequent physical activity guided by a specialist. This disease weakens and thins the bones; The areas that are most affected by the presence of this condition are: the hip, the spine and the wristsas explained by the portal of health and medicine Medlineplus.

This disease usually has no symptoms and is silent; In most cases, people realize that they have it until one of the bones in their body is fractured.. “A bone mineral density test is the best way to monitor the health of your bones.” The medium mentions what are the risk factors for osteoporosis to be triggered:

  • Aging, a natural process that all people will have to face at some point in their lives.
  • Being small and slim.
  • Family history of osteoporosis.
  • Taking certain types of medications.
  • Being a Caucasian or Asian woman.
  • Having low bone density.

The health, beauty and personal care portal Healthline mentions some vitamins and minerals that should be included in the diet plan to prevent this condition.

Experts indicate that gelatin can be a very effective remedy to provide collagen to the joints. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.

Vitamin D

This is the most important vitamin for bone health, since it is responsible for helping them to absorb calcium from the products that are consumed. There are few foods that contain this component; This is why most people acquire it through exposure to the sun, this should not exceed 15 minutes a day and sunscreen must be applied beforehand.

“A study involving 400 older adults found that people with osteoporosis were more likely to be vitamin D deficient. Of these, daily intake of a vitamin D supplement was also associated with a lower incidence of osteoporosis over 8 weeks” .


This mineral influences more than 300 reactions in the body. It is believed that 60% of magnesium is present in bone tissue; therefore it is associated that it is an essential component for bone health. “The RDA for magnesium is 310-320 mg per day for people ages 19 to 30, and 400-420 mg per day for people age 31 and older. Needs are also slightly elevated during pregnancy and lactation.”

Healthline cites a study in which 40% of 51 women who had already reached menopause suffered from osteoporosis or low bone density; furthermore, they were found to have low levels of circulating magnesium.

Vitamina K

This component helps prevent bone fractures, therefore it plays an important role in their health. Low levels of vitamin K are thought to increase the risk of broken bones and low bone density. There is no established amount to know how much of this component should be consumed; nevertheless, Healthline mentions that “the adequate intake for adults over 18 years of age is established at 90 mcg per day for women, and 120 mcg per day for men”.


This is one of the most important components for bone strength; 99% of calcium is stored in the bones, so the intake of foods that contain it is very important; even when you are 40 years old or younger, you can consult a doctor to start consuming supplements that contain this mineral and more when you have a history of being able to suffer from the disease.

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