Supporting the bereaved after suicide

2023-08-30 11:12:53

The Center Hospitalier Le Vinatier announces the launch of the ESPOIR platform, a platform of information, resources and support for people bereaved by suicide *.

HOPE offers people bereaved by suicide the opportunity to interact with a team of caregivers (psychologists, psychiatrists) anonymously and to access a variety of resources (articles, videos, podcasts). This content is validated by a Scientific Committee made up of researchers, caregivers, representatives of associations and people bereaved by suicide. The ESPOIR platform also gives additional visibility to postvention actors (associations and caregivers).

Since its launch on March 20, 2023 and until the end of July, the platform recorded 5,553 visits and referred 86 health professionals and associations.. HOPE has already received positive feedback from people bereaved by suicide who have expressed their appreciation for this initiative. Two scientific articles (1) have also been published on the project, showing its impact in preventing suicide.

La postvention réfère aux activités qui visent le traitement et le rétablissement des personnes touchées par
le suicide d’un proche ou d’un membre de l’entourage plus ou moins immédiat (Tierney et al., 1990). Elle
englobe les mesures à prendre afin de soutenir, d’informer au sujet des ressources existantes, de référer
et/ou de développer un réseau d’entraide pour prévenir les effets négatifs potentiels à court et long terme
du suicide. Les objectifs poursuivis sont multiples et visent, entre autres, à diminuer le niveau de stress et
l’impact de la crise, à favoriser le processus de deuil, et ce, afin d’éviter la contagion et ainsi prévenir
d’éventuels suicides.

(1) Leaune, E., Lestienne, L., Grandgenèvre, P., Morgiève, M., Vaiva, G., Vieux, M., Chalancon, B., Laplace, N., Haesebaert, J., & Poulet, E. (2021). Development of an Online Resource for People Bereaved by Suicide: A Mixed-Method User-Centered Study Protocol. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 770154.

Leaune, E., Rouzé, H., Lestienne, L., Bislimi, K., Chalancon, B., Morgiève, M., Grandgenèvre, P., Vaiva, G., Laplace, N., Poulet, E., & Haesebaert, J. (2022). The Needs, Use and Expectations of People Bereaved by Suicide Regarding Online Resources: An Online Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(19), 12156.

* in partnership with the digital agency Interlude Santé, the Reshape laboratory, the University Hospital of Lille and the Hospices Civils de Lyon, funded by IReSP

#Supporting #bereaved #suicide

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