Surviving the Submersible: A Rich Man’s Near-Tragedy on the Titanic

2023-06-25 02:53:53

A submersible Titan that killed all five people on board. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

The story of a rich man in Las Vegas, USA, who avoided tragedy by rejecting an offer to board a submersible while all five passengers on board the Titanic tourist submersible died.

According to foreign media such as CNN on the 24th (local time), Las Vegas billionaire Jay Bloom and his son Sean were offered boarding a submersible by Stockton Rush, CEO of submersible operator Oceangate, in February. However, their son, Sean, raised safety concerns.

This fact came to light after Bloom shared the contents of a text message he exchanged with Rush on his Facebook page.

When Bloom raised concerns about safety, Rush replied, “There are risks, but it’s far safer than helicopters and scuba diving. I haven’t even been injured from a non-military submarine in 35 years.”

Rush also lowered the boarding fee from 250,000 dollars (approximately 325 million won) per person to 150,000 dollars (approximately 196 million won).

However, the Blooms refused the trip, saying they could not go because of safety concerns and schedules, and the position went to the Pakistani father and son. Pakistani billionaire Shah Jada Daoud was in an accident while aboard the Titanic with his 19-year-old son Sulaiman Daoud. His son was afraid of the submersible journey, but it was known that he decided to ride with him to please his father, adding to the sadness.

“Every time I see a picture of the Pakistani businessman and his son, I think, ‘It could have been us,'” Bloom told the media.

It wasn’t just Bloom who refused boarding. Discovery Channel explorer Joshua Gates is also said to have participated in a preliminary dive after receiving an offer to board a submersible.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Coast Guard said on the 22nd that the remains of the Titanic, a tourist submersible that went missing after going down to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to see the wreckage of the Titanic that sank 111 years ago, were found near the site where the Titanic sank. local time).

#submersible.. #happened #rich #man #escaped #Titanic #tragedy

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