Switzerland is struggling to find talent. Start of solution?

<img data-attachment-id="49849" data-permalink="https://www.xavierstuder.com/2022/01/swisscom-sallie-a-limprimeur-orell-fussli-pour-des-preuves-numeriques-infalsifiables/certificat_numerique/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/www.xavierstuder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/certificat_numerique.jpg?fit=2000%2C1300&ssl=1" data-orig-size="2000,1300" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Numérisation. Quelle numérisation?" data-image-description="

Digitization. What digitization?

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Switzerland is still struggling on digital.

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Switzerland is still struggling on digital.

While Switzerland is still struggling to fully benefit from digital technologies globally, recruitment companies are struggling to meet the demand for qualified personnel to raise their level. Certainly theEcole 42 provides the beginning of a solution, but there is still a lack of manpower. One possibility is to recruit further…

As in the health field, some recruitment firms try to bring in foreign labor with the various problems that this can pose. It is in this context that we learn that companies such as Une Talents and the French Urban Linker are joining forces to find qualified candidates outside our borders.

Significant strike force

By signing a collaboration agreement with Urban Linker, Une Talents is joining forces with a company that has the modesty to present itself as the French benchmark for recruitment in the digital professions, according to a press release issued at the end of the week.

In figures, Urban Linker, present in Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux, claims an average of 600 recruitments per year, 12 years of expertise and 60 consultants. It shares its My Urban platform, which notably allows candidates and companies to manage the entire recruitment process.

Unfair competition problem in sight?

“What we would like to join forces with Une is to bring our background and our methodologies to respond to issues that we know well, while opening up to the Swiss market the possibility of benefiting from the strength of the 60 talent hunters of UrbanLinker”. Will this pose a problem of unfair competition with indigenous labour?

Finally, it should be noted that Une Talents specializes in the recruitment of profiles such as: Front End Developer, Back End Developer, Mobile Developer, Digital project manager, Data manager, Data analyst, Data visualization, Product manager, Product owner, Graphic designer, Designer , Artistic Director, Media Planner, Growth hacker, CRM manager.


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