Swollen testicle: what’s the cause? What to do ?

2023-11-14 17:05:05

Swelling of the testicles: should you consult a doctor?

The swelling of a testicle corresponds either to:

  • a increase in volume : the testicles then appear asymmetrical which can cause discomfort and aesthetic discomfort.
  • the presence of a ball which the patient generally feels when washing.

Testicular swelling is not a trivial situation and better to consult a doctor which will direct you to a urologist, if he deems it necessary.

Sometimes the swelling can be accompanied by pain, a feeling of warmth and redness. These signs of inflammation point to an infectious cause. It could be a orchite, that is to say an infection of the testicle. Be careful, intense and sudden pain in the testicle may correspond to testicular torsion. This medical emergency is common among adolescents and young adults and requires immediate consultation.

When swelling is not associated with inflammatory symptoms, several etiologies are possible. It may be a hydroceleof a cyst or even a testicular cancer.

Testicular cancer is a cancer that affects young men (often before the age of 50). It has a good prognosis, especially if it is diagnosed early (hence the interest in consulting in the event of swelling). The 10-year survival rate is over 90%.

What disease causes the testicles to swell?

Several diseases are likely to cause an increase in the volume of a testicle. Here are the main causes of testicular swelling.

Orchitis: a urinary infection that causes the testicle to swell

A orchite is an inflammation that affects the testicles. It is often associated with inflammation of the epididymis as well. We then talk aboutorchi-epididymis. Orchitis can affect adults as well as children.

It is generally of infectious origin. The pathogen in question often comes from a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in young men (infection with chlamydia or to gonocoque), and a urinary or prostate infection in older men (mainly in Escherichia Coli) .

In case of orchitis, the swelling is accompanied by severe pain et pulsatileof rednessof fever and sometimes urinary problems.

The diagnostic d’orchite is asked following a clinical examination. It is confirmed by urine tests.

Hydrocele: a common cause of swollen testicles

L’ hydrocele results in an accumulation of fluid in a “pocket” surrounding the testicle. It is responsible for a more or less significant increase in volume at the level of a bursa. The diagnosis is confirmed by means of an ultrasound.

The hydrocele is a mild illness which is neither at risk of becoming infected nor of developing into cancer. However, it can be responsible for discomfort, pain or aesthetic damage. For these reasons, surgical intervention may be considered to have the hydrocele removed.

Epididymis cyst or the appearance of a lump

Most often, swelling of the testicle is the consequence of a cyst of the epididymis (epididymal cyst) or spermatic cord. The main symptom is a feeling of having “a ball of fat” in the testicle.

Much more rarely, it may be a cyst dermoid the most evocative symptom of which is the increase in the volume of the bursa.

Cysts generally do not cause pain or signs of inflammation.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by scrotal ultrasound sometimes associated with a histological examination in order to rule out any suspicion of cancer.

Cancer and swollen testicles: when to worry?

The symptom suggestive of testicular cancer is an increase in the volume of a testicle associated with induration of this area.

The diagnosis is confirmed using an ultrasound as well as a test of biological markers of testicular cancer.

It may be recommended to feel his testicle once a month in the shower to ensure that these signs are not present.

Treatments: how to treat a swollen testicle?

Treatment for a swollen testicle depends on its cause:

  • The orchitis being generally of bacterial origin, a antibiotic treatment is prescribed from the outset. It is then reviewed and adapted to the pathogen according to the results of the various analyzes carried out. Of the symptomatic treatments to relieve pain are also administered. The use of surgery is exceptional.
    • The hycrocele is treated by means of intervention chirurgicale. This takes place under general or loco-regional anesthesia, on an outpatient basis. The intervention is carried out by a incision at the level of the bursaconsisting of removing the bag of fluid or gathering it depending on the anomalies encountered during the procedure.
    • In case of cystthe surgical removal of the latter is proposed in the event of an increase in the volume of the bursa and/or possible local discomfort or pain linked to its presence.
    • The testicular cancer is the subject of a ablation chirurgicale or orchidectomie of the diseased testicle. A testicular prosthesis can then be installed. Sometimes other treatments are combined: chemotherapy, radiotherapy or even stem cell transplantation (for recurrent forms).

Note that a single testicle is generally sufficient to produce the quantity of sperm necessary for procreation. Having only one testicle left does not cause a testosterone deficiency.

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