Mercedes announces the success of the “mighty car” experience..and reveal the details

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" site said "مشابل" Technical news that a car mercedes The new one has proven its ability to travel a distance of 1,000 kilometers, by supplying electric power only once. The EQXX traveled from the southwestern city of Sindelfingen Germany To the French city of Cassis overlooking Mediterranean seawith one electric … Read more

What are the reasons for the failure of hybrid cars?

Since last year, electric cars have witnessed a significant and noticeable increase in sales, according to Cars website figures, which raises questions about the reason for the failure of hybrid cars. In 2010, hybrid cars were seen as the technology that would change the world, but electric cars quickly outperformed and captured the lion’s share … Read more

Xinhua: The localization of the electric car industry in Egypt is a leap for sustainable development

The Chinese news agency “Xinhua” shed light on the Egyptian strategy to localize the electric car industry, which is a huge leap to achieve sustainable development, green economy and reduce harmful environmental emissions. In a news analysis of the Chinese news agency Xinhua, Egyptian experts emphasized that the localization of the electric car industry in … Read more