5-year swimming pool in Prometheus | News – 2024-07-16 15:07:52

Prometheus announced the early contract extension of Nasos Bazina, who will remain with the team until 2029. The announcement: “KAE Prometheus Patras is pleased to announce the early extension of Nasos Bazina’s contract for another three years, i.e. until 2029, with the young guard continuing to be an integral member of the… Prometheus family for … Read more

How you can… get rid of puri and jaundice in the pelvis, 3 ingredients we all have at home – 2024-04-27 18:18:31

Do you find signs of mold and mildew on the bottom of the basin in your bathroom? Treat the problem effectively and quickly, restoring the shine and feeling of new with a few simple and available materials. Even the most conscientious of home cleaners may find that certain areas resist cleaning efforts, despite their daily … Read more

Temporary Closure of Jonfosse Swimming Pool in Liège Due to Health Reasons

2023-09-06 15:05:38 “For reasons beyond our control, the large pool of the Jonfosse swimming pool is closed for an indefinite period”, indicated the City of Liège this Wednesday followingnoon. A rather laconic message which has raised some questions and concerns from those who regularly go to the communal swimming pool located rue Lambert le Bègue. … Read more