They discover a potential new classification of blood groups

UK hematologists confirmed that the recently discovered Er system could be considered a new set of blood groups, the 44th to be described. The specialist, Nicole Thornton, together with the team decided to investigate what could be behind some mysterious and rare antibodies that reacted to red blood cells and caused the death of newborns. … Read more

Protection measures dictated to the Statue of María Lionza after 20 years of abandonment within UCV

The Institute of Cultural Heritage (IPC), In the exercise of its powers, it issued administrative measures for the protection and conservation of the sculpture “Maria Lionza”declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation, which is now in a safe place, after two decades of abandonment within the facilities of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). The IPC, … Read more

Minister Ceballos meets with CICPC authorities to optimize police exercise

The Minister of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, A/J Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, held a meeting with authorities from the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) to discuss strategies to strengthen policing in the country. Through his account on the social network Twitter, @CeballosIchaso1, the head of the Interior Relations, Justice and … Read more

Learn about these exercises to reduce discomfort caused by arthritis in the shoulder

Arthritis is a disease characterized by the wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions the friction of the bones in the joints and can occur in different parts of the body, such as the knees, elbows, fingers and shoulders. The discomfort caused by this disease can be relieved with some exercises that you will … Read more

Gym trainer deprived of liberty for extortion in Caracas

At the request of the Public Ministry (MP), the 42-year-old gym instructor Freddy Ricardo Cameron Liendo was deprived of liberty for his alleged participation in the extortion of a couple, a fact that was reported on July 5 of this year, in the city of Caracas. Such a situation occurred after the coach asked a … Read more

They detect remains of some of the original stars of the universe

Everything indicates that astronomers have discovered in the distant cosmos chemical traces of some of the first stars that formed in the universe. The first stars probably formed when the universe was only 100 million years old, less than one percent of its current age. Unlike the later stars, which formed, form and will form … Read more

President Maduro authorizes Operation Cacique Manaure 2022 in Paraguaná

The Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicholas Maduro Moorsauthorized this Thursday the start of the Operation Cacique Manaure 2022 in Paraguaná, Falcón state, as part of the commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the creation of the Strategic Operational Command (CEOFANB). “Attention to all the force deployed in the Paraguaná Peninsula, today … Read more

Three natural juices to eliminate kidney stones

Keeping the body hydrated and eating a good diet low in fat and sodium are the main strategies to avoid or prevent the formation of kidney stones, but you can also resort to the intake of some natural juices that, due to their properties, comply with this objective. Kidney stones or kidney stones are hard … Read more