Effective Non-Prescription Medicines for Stomach Pain and Nausea: Expert Tips from the BPI

2023-11-06 14:37:01 Berlin (ots) – Stomach pain and nausea can affect anyone. Mild gastrointestinal complaints can often be relieved with non-prescription medicines from the pharmacy. The woman or man is themselves – of course with expert advice from the pharmacy, which has a variety of different medications available that are available without a doctor’s prescription. … Read more

Breaking Through the Sales Plateau: Expert Tips for E-Commerce Success

2023-10-09 14:20:22 Herbolzheim (ots) – Lionel Bruder is managing director of the marketing agency Alphabrothers. As this he helps online retailers optimize and scale their business. His expertise covers a wide spectrum and ranges from setting up an online shop to the marketing strategy of e-commerce on the most important social media channels. Here you … Read more

Coach Mitch Kniat previews the Arminia Bielefeld vs. 1. FC Saarbrücken game: Get all the details and live updates here!

2023-09-27 22:26:35 Coach Mitch Kniat answers questions from media representatives before the third division game between Arminia Bielefeld and 1. FC Saarbrücken. © Sarah Jonek 3rd league The convincing victory in Unterhaching should give the DSC a boost. The Arminen now want to step up their game once morest Saarbrücken. You can read all the … Read more

“The Sex Gap: Exploring the Differences in Men and Women’s Immune Systems- A Podcast on Gender-Sensitive Medicine”

2023-05-24 12:16:34 Baierbrunn (ots) – Does the famous male cold really exist? In any case, one thing is certain: the immune system of men and women works differently. This is the topic of the new episode of The Sex Gap, a podcast by gesundheit-listen (https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/podcast/) and the Apotheken Umschau on gender-sensitive medicine. Podcast host Kari … Read more

Schoduvel in Braunschweig: around 300,000 people celebrate carnival | NDR.de – News – Lower Saxony

Status: 02/20/2023 07:07 a.m 129 wagons, 28 music trains and 4,500 active people pulled through the center of Braunschweig on Sunday at the first Schoduvel following the Corona break. It is considered to be Northern Germany’s largest carnival parade. The Schoduvel – Low German for “scare away the devil!” – started in bright sunshine. – … Read more

Wolfenbüttel doctor explains: How to protect yourself from the flu – Wolfenbüttel – Current News

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Detected early, banned early / Cancer screening can save lives – Economy & Volkswagen – News

Baierbrunn (ots) – Introduction: We are all afraid of developing cancer and this risk cannot be eliminated either, but we can do something to reduce it through regular check-ups and our lifestyle. Marco Chwalek reports: Speaker: “Detected early, banned early”, one can actually say with many cancer diseases. Because there are check-ups that can save … Read more

Flu: Why you should get vaccinated now – Economy & Volkswagen – News

Baierbrunn (ots) – Because a flu infection can be particularly severe in older people, experts recommend vaccination. The health magazine “Apotheken Umschau” answers the most important questions regarding flu vaccination. Breakthrough infections are usually mild The flu vaccination is an important measure to protect yourself and slow down the spread of the disease. However, influenza … Read more