Shocking! What did Zueka admit to the Bulgarians

Zueka is one of those Bulgarians who realized in their old age that they didn’t like living in Bulgaria. Although in the last 30 years he has lived quite successfully in his homeland, Vasil Vasilev believes that he made the right choice and will not even return to his native country for Easter. Actually, there’s … Read more

Enable seniors to enter the digital world and accompany them sustainably

Press release from 03/17/2023 Digitization in society is constantly progressing. However, many older people are often unable to keep up with this development and need help or advice when purchasing tablets, smartphones and the like. But simply purchasing the devices is not enough. A further step is the setup and safe handling of the newly … Read more

Mystery with the death of a folk singer. Is there a gap?

A complete mystery with the sudden death of the folk star Maria Georgieva from “The Rescuers”. “We are investigating suicide, not suicide in the case of the tragic incident with 34-year-old Maria Georgieva. At the moment, I can only say that the reasons are personal, they are really extremely personal and I cannot comment further … Read more

A political scientist saw what the frontrunners will win in the elections

Whichever political formation comes out on top in the April 2 election will have a psychological advantage. Takes first term. But the equation then looks very similar to what it was in the 48th NS. If you add up the mandates, you won’t get a different number in a possible 49th National Assembly. Dimitar Ganev, … Read more

Action in “The Bachelor”! The dancer Moni sucked Evgeni

Moni Zenginer quite surprisingly dropped out of the race for Evgeni Genchev’s heart. The bachelor decided not to present his last rose to the dancer, and this unleashed dozens of reactions against the pianist’s decision, writes the Vbox7 channel. Zenginer was flooded with positive comments and reactions, although at first she was branded as “another … Read more

Biden shocked America! The proposal – World — News Standard

President Joe Biden presented a budget aimed at the rich with new taxes, and at the same time promised to support “working families” in the country, with which he made a request for the development of the US economy in his upcoming election campaign for 2024, writes BGNES. The details released by the White House, … Read more