Alberto Fernández will travel to Venezuela as an election observer: “If Maduro is defeated, he has to accept it”

Time Buenos Aires.-Former President Alberto Fernández will travel to Venezuela in the next few hours to observe next Sunday’s elections. In this context, he announced that before the elections he will meet with opposition leaders “to listen to their concerns” and left a warning message to Nicolás Maduro, who is putting his power at stake … Read more

What children and adolescents expect from the president of Venezuela

Despite not being able to vote on July 28, three Venezuelan children and three teenagers gave their opinion on what they want for the future of their country Establishing public policies that promote the rights, needs and even the interests of children and adolescents in Venezuela is the expectation that this population has of the … Read more

Venezuelans in Peru called for a march to promote voting

According to Darwin Izaguirre, of the nearly 1.5 million Venezuelans residing in Peru, only 659 will be able to vote on July 28 | Main photo: EFE/ Paolo Aguilar Darwin Izaguirre, spokesman for the Con Venezuela en Perú campaign command, called for a rally in Lima on Sunday, July 28, in order to promote voting … Read more

Maduro distances himself from his regional allies: this is how he responded to Lula da Silva for his fear of a bloodbath in Venezuela

RFI Caracas.-Nicolás Maduro said that the warning that there will be a “bloodbath” in the Caribbean nation if he loses the presidential elections on July 28 was a “reflection” and —he added— that if anyone was scared by this statement, they should “have a chamomile tea.” “I did not tell lies, I only made a … Read more

Repression in Venezuela during elections will be unacceptable

Joe Biden’s government stressed that it will remain vigilant in the face of the presidential elections in Venezuela. Main photo: EFE/MICHAEL REYNOLDS The White House warned on Thursday, July 25, that any “political repression” and act of “violence” in Venezuela’s elections to be held this Sunday, July 28, will be “unacceptable.” “Any political repression and … Read more

Presidential elections in Venezuela: the main candidates close their campaigns

The National Caracas.-Venezuela closes its electoral campaign on Thursday, after 21 days, with calls for massive demonstrations of support for the main candidates – the ruling party candidate Nicolás Maduro and the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia. Nicolas Maduro, in power since 2013, will hold his closing ceremony in Caracas, where he plans to occupy … Read more

“Bloodbaths cannot be threatened under any circumstances”

The Chilean president asked the Venezuelan government to respect sovereignty and the results of the July 28 elections “for the good of Venezuela and all of Latin America” Chilean President Gabriel Boric has expressed his support for his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and considers it “inconceivable” that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro threatens … Read more