What if a generative AI fake human gaslights? (Neuroscientist Jang Dong-seon)

“Fake people are more terrifying than counterfeit money. By the way, generative AI is the perfect tool for creating fake humans. What if something non-human made you believe you were human? What if a fake human appeared and gaslighted? Terrible things can happen.” This is what neuroscientist Dr. Jang Dong-seon is most concerned about generative … Read more

Antropic first commercializes text-generating AI model

Robin AI is one of the first commercial ventures to use the antropic model. (Photo = Robin AI) Entropic has commercialized ‘Claude’, a text-generating AI similar to ‘ChatGPT’. However, it is not known whether the commercialized model is Claude or its derivative model. Claude is an AI system created using ‘Rule AI’ technology developed by … Read more

The first generation of enzymes with AI…”Opened a new chapter in protein design”

(Photo = shutterstock) Protein-generating artificial intelligence (AI) has created enzymes for the first time. It is an analysis that this has enabled new drug manufacturing as well as industrial applications in various fields. Science Daily introduced on the 23rd (local time) that a research team at the University of Washington created an enzyme, a protein … Read more

How to prevent ‘Voice deepfake’… Voice watermark appeared

(Photo = shutterstock) As the development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has made it possible to synthesize even voices, a ‘voice watermark’ technology has emerged to identify them. Tech Crunch, a professional media outlet, reported on the 1st (local time) that Resemble AI’s generated voice watermarking technology, ‘PerTH’, was proposed as a way to resolve … Read more