ANSES warns of burns in children

2023-09-07 12:10:21 Probably caused by errors in the use of disinfectant for toilets, 118 skin injuries have been identified in nursery schools. Improper use of disinfectants in toilets or on furniture caused around a hundred skin injuries, sometimes serious burns, in kindergarten children between 2017 and 2022, warns ANSES in a report published Thursday. After … Read more

pharmacists will be able to prescribe antibiotics

2023-09-01 10:21:41 The pharmacist must first carry out a test to confirm the bacterial origin of the disease and talk to the patient. Traveling to Rouen on Thursday August 31, Elisabeth Borne announced several measures concerning the health of the French. Among these, the authorization for any pharmacist to “prescribe antibiotics“for cystitis – urinary tract … Read more

Why we are not all equal in the face of heat

2023-08-23 12:39:23 DECRYPTION – The southern half of France has been affected for several days by a record heat wave which puts the body to the test. However, not everyone has the same tools to adapt. The heat wave that has been hitting the southern part of France for the past few days has affected … Read more

more than a third of men worldwide are infected

2023-08-17 12:59:54 A study published in the scientific journal “The Lancet Global Health” also indicates that 21% of men are carriers of a “high risk” form and calls for their inclusion in prevention campaigns. Nearly a third of men worldwide (31%) carry some form of human papillomavirus (HPV), according to a study published in the … Read more

Why do men live shorter than women?

2023-08-16 08:43:01 DECRYPTION – Science has been trying for years to understand this difference. Biology and genetics would be less favorable to men. Of the 100 longest-lived people in the past 30 years, only four were men. On both sides of the globe, men live on average less than women. France is no exception. According … Read more

“Too much physical activity, bad for the heart?”

2023-08-14 08:47:40 We know that moving is important for maintaining good cardiovascular health. But is there an amount of sport above which activity damages the arteries? The explanations of Pr François Carré, cardiologist and sports doctor. Professor François Carré is a cardiologist, sports doctor at the University Hospital of Rennes and professor emeritus of cardiovascular … Read more

Alcohol and tobacco, women are in danger

2023-08-11 14:00:54 More exposed to certain risk factors, more sensitive to harmful effects, often treated late, women are particularly vulnerable to toxic substances. “It all started after my separation. I couldn’t bear to be alone, I chained the afterworks and dinners with friends… Each time with a lot of alcohol. It felt good… I started … Read more

Should a resurgence worry us?

2023-08-07 16:30:28 The Bayonne festivities, last July, were at the origin of a slight increase in positive cases of the virus in France this summer. A disease that has not finished talking about it. Since the end of the Bayonne Festival on July 30, discussions on the Covid-19 seem to have started again. The festivities, … Read more