High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of heart attacks

Posted by Rania Amer Sunday, March 05, 2023 07:00 PM A study revealed that severe stomach pain predicts the risk of many diseases, including high cholesterol level In the blood, patients with high cholesterol are at risk of heart attacks and strokes, according to Express. The study added that the symptoms of high cholesterol appear … Read more

7 things that can silently harm your heart and cause you to have a heart attack

Concern about the high incidence of heart attacks has led to calls for greater public awareness of heart risks, as previous heart attacks were a concern for the elderly and were very uncommon among young people. Heart attacks Now popular among people of all ages, genders, and socio-economic groups. Young people today have a high … Read more

Study: Your blood type predicts your risk of developing a deadly disease

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" An ischemic stroke is the most common form of stroke the brainA blockage cuts off the blood supply to part of the brain, killing brain cells. Researchers found in United State The people most likely to have an early stroke were mostly blood type A, having a 16 percent higher … Read more

Medications that may increase the risk of heart attacks on hot days

A study conducted by researchers from Yale University in the United States reached shocking results for many people, especially those who are on medications used to treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Medications that may increase the risk of heart attacks on hot days A study conducted by researchers from Yale University in the United States … Read more