Boost Your Immune System with Vitamin D3 Hevert Immun and Essential Micronutrients

2023-09-12 13:51:00 Walnut (ots) – The family company Hevert-Arzneimittel is now adding another preparation to its vitamin D3 range: Vitamin D3 Hevert Immun. Together with the trace elements selenium and zinc as well as vitamin C and natural aronia berry powder, it effectively ensures an intact immune system. Adults and young people aged 15 and … Read more

Especially important for caesarean children: immune system

There are new insights into the child’s microbiome, which is essential for the body’s own defences. According to this, caesarean children can compensate for missing bacteria from the mother’s birth canal from other sources. Breastfeeding plays a crucial role. rheWo ndu vro lelam iew bmemtok asd ybaB nsie M?rokmiibo üHirereb rwa ied groFsnchu in dre … Read more

This is how you can strengthen your immune system

The be-all and end-all to protect yourself from diseases is an intact immune system. A balanced diet and regular exercise support the immune system. Another way to strengthen the body’s defenses are vaccinations. Because a preventive vaccination can not only protect once morest a serious preventable disease, but at the same time improve and maintain … Read more

New insights into the reasons for different courses of disease – healing practice

COVID-19: Why infected people get sick at different rates The effects of COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, vary in severity. Many people do not even notice that they are infected. Others only get sick easily. However, there are also serious illnesses and deaths. Researchers are now reporting new findings on the different courses of … Read more