For the sake of the movie God Enable Me to Sin, Aghniny Haque Returns to Finding out the Koran – 2024-05-23 03:17:57

Actress Aghniny Haque(Instagram @aghninyhaque) ACTRESS Aghniny Haque is learning the Koran once more so she will be able to play her position nicely within the drama movie entitled God, Enable Me to Sin, directed by Hanung Bramantyo. “Earlier than the studying course of, Mas Hanung informed me to go to Semarang to study to recite … Read more

Andri Mashadi admits he was challenged by the movie God, Enable Me to Sin – 2024-05-22 22:34:46

Actor Andri Mashadi (heart)(ANTARA/Vinny Shoffa Salma) ACTOR Andri Mashadi felt challenged when he was concerned within the movie God, Enable Me to Sin, ranging from learning Islam in additional depth to enjoying a novel character named Daarul within the movie. “Thanks to Pak Raam and Mas Hanung for giving me the chance on this movie … Read more

Aghniny Haque Plays Two Different Characters in God, Allow Me to Sin – 2024-05-03 02:33:36

Aghniny Haque(Instagram @aghninyhaque) ACTRESS Aghniny Haque admitted that she had a new challenge in the world of acting because she had to play two different characters in the film God, Allow Me to Sin In her new film, Aghniny plays the character of Kiran, who was originally a religious woman but entered the world of … Read more