Chega redoubles the pressure to enter the Government of Portugal supported by his foreseeable rise due to the emigrant vote |

Nine days following the elections in Portugal, uncertainty regarding the final result dissipates. The provisional data from the counting of the emigrants’ vote gives, for the moment, two seats to the extreme right of Chega, one to the conservative coalition Democratic Alliance (AD) and one to the Socialist Party (PS), according to the newspaper Public. … Read more

Luís Montenegro, the leader that no one saw in Portugal |

At that time the opportunity was not in sight. The legislative elections seemed far away, although António Costa was ruling with an absolute majority that gave him more problems than expected. Despite the errors and scandals of the Socialist Cabinet, the leader of the PSD, elected in primaries with a resounding support of 75% in … Read more

Portugal votes in elections marked by uncertainty in the formation of government alliances |

The Portuguese returned to the polls this Sunday, just two years following granting a historic absolute majority to the Socialist Party. In 2022, no one had anticipated the result that promoted its leader, António Costa, to the kingdom of heaven of the party founded by Mário Soares in 1973. But Portugal is a country of … Read more

The center-right narrowly wins the elections in Portugal and the ultras demand to enter the Government |

The Portuguese have turned to the right in the early elections held this Sunday in Portugal, although the victory of the conservative Democratic Alliance (AD) coalition was so close that the uncertainty lasted until around one in the morning. The final count will not be known for a few days. With 99% counted, AD had … Read more

Chega, the universe of the disenchanted who embrace the extreme right in Portugal |

One day in 2018 André Ventura called his friend Nuno Afonso to ask for help in founding a new party in Portugal. Both were active in the Social Democratic Party (PSD, center-right), where Ventura had fallen out with its leader, the moderate Rui Rio, and had failed in his attempt to lead an internal revolt. … Read more