Graveyard Infringement: Restoring Rights and Seeking Compensation

2023-12-20 08:38:12 The grave sweeper was shocked to see that the tomb was sealed with cement. The old woman collapsed and mightn’t eat. (Schematic diagram/Photo of the newspaper department) The cemetery purchased for an old man in advance was sealed with cement by his daughter-in-law, and the longevity name on the tombstone was erased. Can … Read more

Preventing Theft on Flights: Tips and Stories to Keep Your Belongings Safe

2023-12-19 05:50:31 A Chinese man stole $740,000 on a Scoot flight. (Image/Dazhi/Associated Press) A mainland Chinese man was accused on the 16th of stealing money from three passengers while taking a ride on Kuzuo. He got 31,000 Singapore dollars (approximately NT$740,000) in one trip. It is understood that he may be imprisoned for up to … Read more

The Jade Grape Tree Betrothal Gift: Hidden Treasure or Misunderstood Tradition?

2023-12-19 06:44:26 When a mainland woman got married, her mother-in-law only gave her a bunch of grape vines as a betrothal gift. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) When a mainland woman got married, her mother-in-law only gave her a bunch of grape vines as a betrothal gift. Later, when her youngest son got married, her mother-in-law gave … Read more

Jilin University’s Support for Poor Students Taking the Postgraduate Entrance Exam Sparks Discussions

2023-12-17 10:50:09 The countdown to the 2023 postgraduate entrance examination in mainland China has begun, and a piece of news that Jilin University secretly provided money to thousands of poor students has triggered heated discussions. (Picture/reproduced from the official website of Jilin University) The countdown to the 2023 postgraduate entrance examination in mainland China has … Read more

Child Abduction Attempt in Quanzhou, China: Girl Escapes from Strange Man – Latest News and Updates

2023-12-18 03:20:06 A lesbian in Quanzhou, Fujian Province was almost abducted by a strange man. (Picture/reproduced from the good-looking video) A child abduction case occurred in Fujian, mainland China! When a girl was playing downstairs in her home, she was almost abducted by a strange man. Fortunately, the girl was alert enough. When she noticed … Read more

Allegations of Kindergarten Teacher Abuse: 12 Needle Holes Found on Child’s Body – Investigation Underway

2023-12-17 09:35:31 Parents alleged that the child had 12 needle holes on his body and was suspected of being abused by the kindergarten teacher. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) A parent surnamed Yang from the Inner Mongolia University of Technology Kindergarten in Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, mainland China, recently reported that 12 unknown needle holes … Read more

The Truth Behind the Viral Indecent Incident Rumors at Chongli Wanlong Ski Resort

2023-12-17 06:30:53 Recently, the mainland Internet has been flooded with news that “a female college student had an indecent incident in the snow at Chongli Wanlong Ski Resort and was frozen to death.” (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) Recently, the mainland Internet has been flooded with news that “a female college student was frozen to death following … Read more