Graveyard Infringement: Restoring Rights and Seeking Compensation

2023-12-20 08:38:12 The grave sweeper was shocked to see that the tomb was sealed with cement. The old woman collapsed and mightn’t eat. (Schematic diagram/Photo of the newspaper department) The cemetery purchased for an old man in advance was sealed with cement by his daughter-in-law, and the longevity name on the tombstone was erased. Can … Read more

Top Highlights: Jiangsu Zhongtian Steel vs. Shanghai Guangming Youbei in Women’s Volleyball Super League

2023-12-20 02:59:00 original title: Women’s Volleyball Super League: Jiangsu Zhongtian Steel beats Shanghai Guangming Youbei On December 19, Jiangsu Zhongtian Steel Team player Wu Mengjie (top) spiked the ball during the game. Published by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Joachim Bivarez) On the same day, in the 14th round of Group B of the first … Read more

Zhou Guanyu: China’s F1 Rising Star and HSBC Brand Ambassador for 2024 Season

2023-12-18 12:31:00 Original title: Showing the fighting spirit of the “new youth”, China’s first F1 driver Zhou Guanyu looks forward to his home debut in the 2024 season reporter Liu Hui reported on December 18: What Chinese fans are most looking forward to right now is undoubtedly the return of the F1 Chinese Grand … Read more

Combatting Street Harassment: Woman Stands Up to Street Harassment in Shanghai

2023-12-14 07:45:04 A woman was accosted by three men on the streets of Shanghai and offered “5,000 yuan to be her boyfriend for half a day.” (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) You should be brave enough to speak out when faced with uncomfortable harassment. A woman from Shandong, China recently went to Shanghai to hang out with … Read more

The Shocking Shanghai Divorce Lawsuit: Betrayal, Lies, and Family Drama Unveiled!

2023-12-07 08:03:45 A man in Shanghai was accused by his ex-wife of fake divorce and finding a new love. (Image/Pexels) A divorce lawsuit actually involved multiple Rashomons, including a fake divorce to help the mistress get a job, the husband voluntarily giving up custody rights, and the daughter not wanting to see her biological mother. … Read more

Customer Complaints and Legal Rights at Haidilao Hotpot Restaurants: What You Need to Know

2023-12-05 06:28:02 (Image/photo taken from Facebook/HaidilaoTaiwan) In Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, mainland China, a customer recently claimed to have a “receipt” (receipt details) while dining at a Haidilao hotpot restaurant, but it was eventually discovered that Aoke accidentally threw it in. Now there is another woman. She posted a complaint on the Internet that she accidentally … Read more