Salis and Giannini, the sleepless evening between the digital anklet and the police –

Luigi Frasca 25 maggio 2024 Massimo Giannini complains to Otto e mezzo that he was woken up at 4 within the morning by the police to inform him of a defamation lawsuit. Ilaria Salis, the instructor detained in Budapest, after being free of hand and foot shackles, now complains concerning the digital anklet which doesn’t … Read more

Giannini and Rep’s girotondini form a party, here is the first Bella chat campaign (video) –

The group born on the “Bella ciao” chat about which wrote, the one animated by Repubblica columnist Massimo Giannini and which ended up at the center of controversy for the shocking phrase about General Vannacci (“Let’s kill him”), moves like a real party. ). In the large WhatsApp group created for April 25th, many journalists, … Read more

Giannini’s Girotondini in the streets against the premiership. Idea by Monica Guerritore –

The new move of the “Girotondini” born in the chat of Massimo Giannini, editorialist of La Repubblica, is to take to the streets against the premiership. A flash mob to be held just a stone’s throw from Palazzo Chigi, or in front of the Chamber of Deputies. The idea comes from the actress Monica Guerritore, … Read more

The shocking phrase about Vannacci in Giannini’s Bella ciao chat: “Let’s kill him” –

“Let’s kill him.” It is the shocking phrase that can be read in the Bella ciao chat, the one created on the occasion of April 25th and set up by Massimo Giannini. The list includes journalists, publishers and men of culture. However, regarding the candidacy of General Vannacci for the European Championships on the League … Read more