April 25, high tension in Rome between pro-Palestine and the Jewish Brigade –

The national demonstration for April 25th in Milan ended with over 100 thousand participants, which saw the participation of the writer Antonio Scurati and the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein but also strong moments of tension due to the protests of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Ten people ended up in the police station for … Read more

The shocking phrase about Vannacci in Giannini’s Bella ciao chat: “Let’s kill him” –

“Let’s kill him.” It is the shocking phrase that can be read in the Bella ciao chat, the one created on the occasion of April 25th and set up by Massimo Giannini. The list includes journalists, publishers and men of culture. However, regarding the candidacy of General Vannacci for the European Championships on the League … Read more

“My Democratic Party did not incite hatred. De Gasperi established a celebration of unity” –

Edoardo Sirignano April 25, 2024 «Whoever fuels words of opposition has nothing to do with my history, my culture, nor with my Democratic Party. The party I founded did not incite hatred against anyone.” This is what Giuseppe Fioroni, former minister and for many years leader of the popular dem, said. Is April 25th the … Read more

April 25, anarchist alarm in the name of Cospito and the anti-Israel fight –

Francesca Musacchio April 25, 2024 «25 April of resistance and anti-Zionist». It is the slogan that has been bouncing around the area websites of anarchists and antagonists for Liberation Day for days. A message that wants to claim resistance “to be inspired by what happened 79 years ago, to find strength and determination to face … Read more

April 25, tensions between pro-Palestine and the Jewish Brigade. “Terrorists, murderers”, “Fascists” –

Tension immediately rises between shouts, insults and firecrackers during the celebrations of April 25th. “Terrorists” and “murderers”: this is the slogan that started from the Jewish Brigade’s procession towards the garrison of the pro-Palestine movements (about 300 people including the Palestinian student movement, antagonists and university collectives), during the celebrations staged in Rome , in … Read more

“Generous treatment given to a few” –

“It seems to me that Giorgia Meloni has said definitive words, those who have been ostracized or censored will never ask for censorship for others”. This is how Gennaro Sangiuliano expresses himself on the case of Antonio Scurati and the lack of intervention in Rai. The Minister of Culture, interviewed by the Messaggero, also recalls … Read more