Opposition rejection of the impeachment trial of the Supreme Court: “It is a real threat”

2023-11-05 00:59:57 Mauricio Macri, Juan Schiaretti y Roberto Lavagna were some of the leaders who demonstrated against the impeachment trial of the Supreme Court that the ruling party intends to promote. The first to do so was the governor of Cordoba and former presidential candidate, who through his social networks highlighted his “categorical rejection of … Read more

Legislators against Milei’s agreement with Macri

2023-11-01 14:13:08 The displeasure of sectors of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) to the agreement between Javier Milei and Mauricio Macri, which had only been revealed and some fights on social networks, now materialized with a statement made public by legislators in the space. The road to the runoff, the presidential elections on November 19, appears … Read more

Milei works on oversight with the support of Macri and Bullrich, and on adding allies from Congress

2023-11-01 02:17:21 Buenos Aires Correspondent Looking ahead to the runoff, the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, is working to improve oversight throughout the country with “unconditional” support of the Mauricio Macri-Patricia Bullrich tandem. Although for now he denies that there is an agreement for the PRO representatives to be part of the … Read more

Mauricio Macri’s Active Support for Andrés Ibarra and Unconditional Backing for Javier Milei: Latest Updates

2023-10-27 15:35:38 The former president of the Nation and of Boca Juniors, Mauricio Macri, revealed this Friday that he is actively working on the campaign of candidate Andrés Ibarra, who will seek to lead the destinies of the Xeneize club for the next four years. “Is it true that you are going to be on … Read more

Losteau and Morales “compromised” with Massa, he assured

2023-10-27 14:43:00 For the first time since Sunday’s election results, the former president Mauricio Macri will speak publicly about his support for Javier Mileicandidate of La Libertad Avanza who caused the political crisis of Together for Change. Mauricio Macri and his support for Javier Milei 27/10 11:43 Macri: “Antonia told me ‘dad, you have to … Read more

Patricia Bullrich announced that she will support Javier Milei in the runoff: “We cannot be neutral”

2023-10-25 16:36:20 Patricia Bullrich announced this Wednesday that she will support Javier Milei, candidate for president of La Libertad Avanza, in the second electoral round against Sergio Massa, of Unión por la Patria. The leader of the PRO, and candidate for president for Together for Change, made the announcement in her office in the City … Read more

The Latest Polls and Updates on the Presidential Election in Argentina 2023: Who is Leading the Race?

2023-10-17 02:50:11 The results are even between the candidates and there could be a second round in November. Photo: composition by Jazmin Ceras/La República/EFE/RTVE This Sunday, October 22, the presidential election in Argentina. Millions of Argentines will have to decide who to have as president for the next period. Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich and Sergio … Read more

Decline of Together for Change: Mauricio Macri Takes Patricia Bullrich to Libertad Foundation Meeting

2023-09-22 14:59:34 In a supposed campaign hitchhike in the face of the decline of Together for Change in the voting intention polls, Mauricio Macri took Patricia Bullrich to the stage of the main forum of the regional right, the Libertad Foundation meeting. From there, the candidate maintained that the coalition to which she belongs is … Read more