Four more cases of monkeypox confirmed in the UK

The UK health authority reports four more cases of monkeypox. However, they are said to have no connection with recently discovered cases. A boy with smallpox (icon image). – Keystone Ad the essentials in brief Four more cases of monkeypox have been detected in the UK. According to the health authority, these are not related … Read more

Monitoring the first infection with a virus sourced from monkeys..a rare disease without a vaccine

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" And the agency indicated, in a statement published on the British government website, that the patient had recently been on a visit to the UK Nigeriawhere he is believed to have contracted the infection, before returning to Britain. The agency added that the patient receives the necessary medical care in … Read more