Health reveals important information about monkeypox, most notably: It is not transmitted through the air

The Ministry of Health and Population revealed a definition of monkeypox, stressing that it is the virus that causes monkeypox, and it is very close to the virus that causes smallpox that infects humans, but it is less lethal and less transmissible. The Ministry of Health and Population said: Monkeypox was first discovered in monkey … Read more

The first case of “monkeypox” was recorded in the Middle East

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" A spokesman for Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv told AFP that a 30-year-old man had been confirmed to have monkeypox after recently returning from a home. Europe Western pregnant with symptoms of the disease. And the Ministry of Health had reported, on Friday, that the man had contact with a … Read more

A series of monkeypox cases in Europe and the United States are suspected of being transmitted through sexual contact-Instant News-Free Health Network

Symptoms in patients infected with monkeypox. ( file photo) [Compiled by Guan Shuping/Comprehensive Report]A number of cases of monkeypox infection have been reported in Europe and the United States recently, which attracted the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO), and an emergency meeting was held for this. Top U.S. health officials have pointed out … Read more

Lebanese measures to confront “monkeypox” .. symptoms and treatment of the disease

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" White said: "With regard to bacterial epidemic diseases, we adhere to the required procedures from World Health Organization In terms of preparing places of isolation and other special procedures, just because a complaint about any injury is received". He revealed that he gave directives to the Directorate of Prevention in … Read more

Professor of Immunology: Monkeypox is similar to common smallpox..and these are its symptoms

Dr. Ahmed Salman, Professor of Immunology and Vaccine Development at Oxford University, said that the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to the symptoms of ordinary smallpox, as they begin with a rise in temperature and general cracking in the body, while there are blisters and pus. And Salman added, in a telephone interview with the … Read more

Monkey pox.. The first official comment from health regarding Egypt’s position on infection

07:48 PM Friday 20 May 2022 Books – Ahmed Gomaa: The Ministry of Health and Population confirmed that it is closely following the epidemiological situation in the world of the “monkeypox” virus, which has spread in a number of European countries, stressing that there are no cases of infection or suspected infection with the virus … Read more

Update “small pox” outbreak, found the first case in 4 other countries.

Update “smallpox” outbreak around the world Recently, there were four more countries, including Australia, Canada, Italy and Sweden, after reporting the first case of monkeypox virus in the country. officialAustralia announced on Friday (May 20) that the infection was foundmonkey pox (monkeypox) the country’s first are returning from the UK And there is still one … Read more

A number of countries in the world announce an outbreak of “monkeypox” in them.. These are the most prominent symptoms of the disease

Countries around the world have reported cases of monkeypox, the symptoms of which are fever, muscle aches, swollen lymph glands, and a rash on the hands and face. On Thursday evening, Canada recorded the first two cases of monkeypox in humans, as the Canadian Public Health Agency said in a statement, “The Province of Quebec … Read more