Wassermann’s appeal could have determined Miszalski’s victory. Civil war in PiS

Małgorzata Wassermann (photo: Longfin Media/Shutterstock) Małgorzata Wassermann broke with the party’s official position – she supported Miszalski. The small difference in votes indicates that her appeal could have resulted in the defeat of Gibała, on whom the entire PiS was betting. Now black clouds are gathering above her head. When Łukasz Kmita lost in the … Read more

we must win local elections in all regions

Mayor of Warsaw, deputy chairman of PO Rafał Trzaskowski Photo. PAP/Paweł Supernak) We must win local elections in all regions. We must win to end the era of populism and the era of PiS – said on Saturday the mayor of Warsaw, deputy chairman of PO Rafał Trzaskowski, during the convention inaugurating the local government … Read more