Mitsotakis: A restart sign, the New Democracy Parliamentary Group meets – 2024-06-28 11:51:02

The Prime Minister and President of the New Republic Kyriakos Mitsotakis will preside over assembly of the New Democracy Parliamentary Group at this time Wednesday (26/6) at 11:00. The Prime Minister’s assembly with the 157 MPs of New Democracy takes place two weeks following the Euro-referendum and is predicted to broadcast the restart signfollowing the … Read more

“We will not let his lies and memory gaps go unanswered” – 2024-04-13 19:10:34

The New Republiccommenting on what the president of SYRIZA Stefanos Kasselakis said at the Delphi Economic Forum, talks regarding lies and memory gaps in her announcement. “Although we know that our main adversary is the problems and we fight with them every day, we cannot leave the lies of Mr. Kasselakis unanswered, nor cover the … Read more

Georgiadis for Kasselakis: Flattery that he didn’t go to ND because of that 2024-03-04 19:58:45

“Stefanos Kasselakis revealed today that he did not come to New Democracy because of my presence as its Vice President… I thank him warmly, I did not expect such great flattery, I confess!”, wrote Adonis Georgiadis. THE@skasselakisrevealed today that he did not come to@neademokratiabecause of my presence as its Vice-President… I thank him very much … Read more

Opinion Poll: Sweeping lead of 18.5 points 2024-02-19 18:57:44

According to the Opinion Poll, citizens are more concerned regarding accuracy and economy, while they consider that the government’s measures for farmers are not satisfactory, but they disagree with the closure of national roads. In the question regarding the most problem you are most concerned regarding, 59.6% say accuracy and revaluations, 31.3% economy/development, 22.9% crime, … Read more