Pedro Castillo: Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations declares complaint against the president admissible | Politics

The Subcommission on Constitutional Accusations of Congress declared the constitutional complaint against the president of the Republic, peter castlefor alleged violations of the Constitution and the alleged crime of treason against the fatherland, as a result of his statements about access to the sea in Bolivia. Initially, the constitutional complaint was going to be sent … Read more

Popular Action Congresswoman: María del Carmen Alva is one of the people most interested in a presidential vacancy

The Popular Action congressman, Darwin Espinoza Vargasdenied any connection with the businesswoman Karelim López, who, according to the media, has denounced that five Popular Action parliamentarians and President Pedro Castillo would be part of an alleged mafia which operates in the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC). In an interview with RPPthe legislator for the … Read more

Karelim López accepted effective collaboration and involved Castillo: What did he say before the Prosecutor’s Office? NMR | PERU

businesswoman Karelim López he accepted effective collaboration and has acknowledged his participation in various alleged crimes together with the President of the Republic, peter castleand ministers of state, reported Panorama. “In front of a money laundering prosecutor, he confessed to crimes related to the President of the Republic and recounted different moments in which characters … Read more

Congressman Wilson Soto: “Pedro Castillo must resign from the Presidency or Congress will vacate him” | POLITICS

Congressman Wilson Soto (Popular Action) was in favor of the President of the Republic, peter castleleave the post of head of state after learning that Karelim López he accepted effective collaboration and admitted that he participated in crimes together with the professor, which consisted of awarding works in favor of companies in his environment. LOOK … Read more

Official LINK Bono Yanapay Peru 2022: check here with your ID if you are a beneficiary | Yanapay Peru | Bonus 350 | Bonus 700 | Economy

The Yanapay Peru Bond from 350 soles It was the first financial support provided by the Government of Pedro Castillo. At present, it continues to be delivered through the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis). This monetary aid is aimed at Peruvian families in a situation of monetary poverty and vulnerability aggravated — even … Read more

Pedro Castillo and his contradictory responses to the Prosecutor’s Office for the Armed Forces Promotions case. NMR | PERU

On December 28, 2021, President Pedro Castillo was questioned by the prosecution as a witness in the case of the alleged government interference in the promotions of the Armed Forces (FF.AA.). In the appointment, which lasted more than 5 hours, the head of state provided answers that contradict others provided previously. The Sunday Fourth Power … Read more

Daughter of Javier Gallardo got a position in Petroperú without graduating | Politics

Bianca Gallardo Moreno, daughter of the former Commander General of the National Police, Lieutenant General (r) Javier Gallardo Mendoza, got a job at Petroperú as supervisor of Personnel and Benefits of the state company, without being duly accredited to occupy this work. The young woman does not appear as a graduate or as a bachelor … Read more

María del Carmen Alva: Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations rejects prioritizing complaints for a meeting at the Miraflores hotel | Peter Castle | Betssy Chavez | Politics

The Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations (SAC) of Congress decided not expanding the agenda to deal with complaints presented by congresswomen Betssy Chavez (Democratic Peru) and Margot Palacios (Free Peru) against the head of Parliament, María del Carmen Alvaand other legislators, for meeting at the Casa Andina hotel in Miraflores to discuss an eventual vacancy against … Read more