What is the truth about the existence of other habitable planets? .. Scientists answer

Two experts in space sciences, one American and the other Egyptian, agreed during their interview with “Sky News Arabia” that the discovery of a planet similar to Earth paves the way and brings the distance closer to reaching other planets suitable for human life. And Thursday, it was announced that the “James Webb” space telescope … Read more

China is looking for habitable planets outside our solar system

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation announces that it intends to launch a program to search for habitable planets outside the boundaries of the solar system. China is looking for habitable planets outside our solar system The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced that it intends to launch a program to search … Read more

James Webb discovers spiral galaxies from the ‘cosmic noon’ of the early universe

helps James Webb Telescope The Space Telescope (JWST) has helped scientists unravel the mystery of spiral galaxies and has taken a detailed picture of many galaxies belonging to the early universe from a period known as the “cosmic noon”. The period was between eight to 10 billion years ago when the galaxies formed about half … Read more

Colors of the homeland | The strangest information about space .. “It smells special and has no sound”

​ Space and the galaxies, planets and stars in it are among the areas of concern to many; Therefore, in the following lines, we review information about space, with an explanation of the strangest and newest things that are going on in it. Space information Before mentioning information about space and what revolves around it, … Read more

Colors of the homeland | Learn about the number of planets in the solar system.. Neptune is farthest from the sun

The number of planets in the solar system ​ The solar system consists of the sun, and 8 planets revolve around it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. On its shape, it also revolves around a star; Like the sun, in a special orbit and characterized by its huge size, according to … Read more

“NASA” discovers carbon dioxide in a planet .. What does that mean?

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" And (techspot) website, which specializes in technical news, stated that the planet, which is symbolized by (WASP-39), is about 700 light years away from planet earth. This is the first gas discovery Carbon Dioxide on a planet outside Our solar system. The planet in question is a large gaseous mass … Read more

NASA publishes stunning images of Jupiter captured by the James Webb Telescope

Posted in: 22/08/2022 – 16:46 NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed stunning new images of Jupiter, revealing fine details that will help scientists understand what’s going on on this chaotic planet. The images feature massive storms, winds and blazing aurora, captured by the telescope’s Infrared Camera, or NIRCam. It is worth noting that the … Read more