CCP’s 093 Nuclear Submarine Accident in Taiwan Strait: Defense Ministry Clarifies Rumors

2023-08-31 10:15:41 It was reported that the CCP’s 093 nuclear submarine had an accident in the Taiwan Strait, and the Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China responded. (Schematic diagram/photo by China News Agency) Wu Qian, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense of the Mainland. (Official website of the Ministry of … Read more

“Four-Front Warfare: The Challenge China May Face in Reunifying Taiwan”

2023-04-26 05:14:35 Recently, the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has changed drastically. The CCP is different from the previous policy of “peaceful exchanges and remote unification”.It pointed out that China and Taiwan may be facing a “quasi-war brink” of tension. In this regard, the Chinese military column “Oriental Point of Soldiers” also … Read more

France and Australia’s 2+2 joint statement supports the upgrade of Taiwan’s discussion!Strong opposition to China’s threat of force | International | Newtalk News

French Foreign Minister Colonna (2nd from right), French Defense Minister Lequenou (right), Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian (2nd from left), and Australian Defense Minister Marles (left) held talks in Paris on the 30th.Figure: Flip Twitter The diplomatic relations between France and Australia continued to be restored. The foreign ministers and defense ministers of the two … Read more

[해리스 오늘 방한] Harris meeting with the president … Another point to watch is the ‘Taiwan Strait’

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo (left), the head of the condolence delegation to the late former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (安倍晋三), meets with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, who also visited Japan to attend at the Okura Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, on the 27th. [사진=연합뉴스]] Ahead of the meeting between President Yoon Seok-yeol and US … Read more

The Indian Foreign Office has clearly accused China of militarizing the Taiwan Strait. The Indian media pointed out that the Modi government has turned to the issue of Taiwan | International | Newtalk News

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Photo: Taken from Mayank Goel Facebook India has recently had a rift with China over the Chinese survey ship Yuanwang 5 docked at the Sri Lanka port of Hambantota. The diplomats of the two countries continued to argue on the Internet. The High Commission of India in Sri Lanka recently commented … Read more

Taiwan Strait Observation | “Economic and Trade Negotiations” Start The United States Will Come To Taiwan To “Pick Up Wool”? |Negotiation|Taiwan Strait|Taiwan Province_Sina News

[TaiwanStraitObservation|”EconomicandTradeNegotiations”StartedTheUnitedStatesWillComeToTaiwanTo”PickUpWool”?】TheUnitedStatesandTaiwanannouncedtheofficiallaunchoftheso-called”21stCenturyTradeInitiative”negotiationthisfallCanthenewroundof”paintedcakes”intheUnitedStates”satisfythehunger”oftheDPPauthorities?RightnowtheSpeakeroftheUSHouseofRepresentativesandmembersofbothpartieshavejustvisitedTaiwanChinaIntheregiontheUnitedStatesreleasednewsatthistimethatitwouldstarttheso-called”initiative”negotiationsanditsmotivesarousedtheattentionofallpartiesYangXiyuaresearcherattheChinaInstituteofInternationalStudiespointedoutthattheUSnegotiationontheso-called”21stCenturyTradeInitiative”withTaiwanispartofananti-China”combinationpunch”anditisamanifestationofusingTaiwanasapawnin”dialogueandcompetition”AsweallknowtherearetwokeypointsinthestrategiclayoutoftheUSIndo-Pacific:anti-ChinaandhegemonyPuttingitonthebigchessboardoftheUSIndo-PacificstrategyTaiwanhasbecomeachesspiecefortheUSto”anti-Chinaandseekhegemony” Special statement: The content of the above article only represents the author’s own views and does not represent the views or positions of If you have any questions regarding the content of the work, copyright or other issues, please contact within 30 days following the work is published.

Criticizing the CCP for changing the status quo in the Taiwan Strait White House: USS Ronald Reagan continues to stay | Taiwan Strait |

[The Epoch Times, August 13, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Xia Yu reported) Speaker of the U.S. House of RepresentativesPelosi visits TaiwanLater, the CCPTaiwan StraitLarge-scale military exercises have been held, and Chinese warships are still lingering near Taiwan.On Friday (August 12), a senior White House official criticized the CCP forPelosi visits TaiwanIt is an excuse to … Read more

China announces “regular” military exercises in the Taiwan Strait

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" And the dividing line in the narrow strait between Taiwan Island Mainland China is an unofficial line of control that military aircraft and battleships from either side do not usually cross. communication China Its military exercises around the island, in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei … Read more