University students march to demand an increase in the Junaeb scholarship and the resignation of its director | National

University students march through different cities of the country demanding to increase the amount of the Junaeb scholarship, along with requesting the resignation of the director of the organization. university students responded to the call of the Confederation of Students of Chile (Condate) and gathered to march in the most important cities of Chile. The … Read more

Massive demonstrations commemorate Women’s Day throughout Chile | National

Thousands of people attended the march for the commemoration of International Women’s Day, organized by the Feminist Coordinator March 8. The coordinator’s spokespersons assured that it was the largest demonstration since the beginning of the pandemic. As part of the commemoration of the International Women’s Day This March 8, thousands of people gathered in the … Read more

Serious damage to the El Olivo bridge caused kilometric congestion on Route 5 North | National

serious damage to the El Olivo Bridge forced to suspend transit through the viaduct, generating a kilometer block in the Route 5 North, at the height of The Calera. A significant congestion caused a forced traffic diversion in the Route 5 North, due to serious damage to the olive tree bridge, at the height of … Read more

Councilor of Viña del Mar upset by decision “without consultation” to end with fireworks | National

Viñamarina mayor, Macarena Ripamonti, stated that 2021 was the year of the last fireworks show in the garden city, and that a new way of doing the show should be thought of. The decision, however, generated divided opinions among the authorities. Those in favor argue that it is necessary to think about new technologies that … Read more