Talks about sports medicine continue

August 18, 2022 – 12:58 pm

The Department of Sports Rehabilitation of the Sports Secretariat continues with the talks on “Sports Medicine” within the framework of the agreement with the Catamarca Soccer League. They are developed in Young Point of MaipĂș Norte 143 of the Municipality of the Capital.

This Saturday, August 20, starting at 9.00 the graduate louis pinto will talk regarding Injury Prevention and Hamstring Injuries, while Lic. Rodrigo Vildoza He will continue with cruciate ligament injuries, ankle sprain and rotator cuff tendinitis.

It should be remembered that the meetings are aimed at the staff of all the clubs who have direct contact with the players, field assistants, technical assistants, members of the coaching staff, among others.

Participation is free and free of charge and will end on Saturday August 27 with the dissertation of the Bachelor Victoria Juarez and Mario Safe del SAME.

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