tayyar.org – Are these hospitals closed?

Citizens in Akkar fear the day when the patient will miss a hospital, and that Akkar is almost devoid of hospitals and has regressed to before the year 1975, when the suffering required medical treatment and hospitalization…

Doctors and nursing staff have emigrated, and hospitals are close to closing…

Patients who arrived at a hospital emergency room in Akkar and did not find a doctor or a nurse, they moved to another hospital, and they could hardly find a nurse who would perform some first aid, and the justifications were that admission to the hospital became in dollars, and the wards were closed…

Until today, only the government hospital, with its limited capabilities, offers hospitalization within the possible…

Four days ago, a patient who was regularly being washed died of high cholesterol in a hospital. His family could not find his medicine. They tried a lot, but to no avail… Akkar is now seriously suffering from a hospitalization and medical crisis.

Medical sources indicate that the crisis has serious dimensions, and if it continues, it will affect many patients who need hospitalization and monthly medical treatment, and those who take chronic medications that are subject to the exchange rate of the dollar. It affects only the poor and the downtrodden classes. Health sources are calling on the government and the Minister of Health for a quick rescue operation for the health sector in Akkar before it is too late, and for activating the government hospital in Halba, after it has become almost the only hospital that provides hospital services for patients…

One of the patients pointed out that the availability of some private dispensaries belonging to charitable associations and institutions is the only form of salvation, in light of the unprecedented rise in hospitalization and medical bills, which set 25 dollars for the specialist doctor, and in laboratory bills that are not less than four million pounds, which prompted patients To resort to private clinics, which charge fees that take into account the conditions of patients and their living conditions.

Hospitalization and medical treatment have become one of the most important issues in Akkar, which suffers from a number of crises and exhausting files, and burdens the citizens who suffocate in light of the deteriorating living conditions…

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