techniques to reduce pain

The knee joint is made up of bone, cartilage, ligaments, and fluids; When any of these structures is injured or worn out, health problems arise that can cause intense pain in the patient who suffers from it and can even hinder the movement of said joint, according to the portal of health and medicine Medlineplus.

As explained by the portal Cigna Cartilage is “firm, thick, slippery tissue that lines the ends of bones where they join with one another to form a joint. Cartilage acts as a protective cushion between the bones”. Usually, the cartilage in this area wears down when a patient has osteoarthritis of the knee or rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, affects only the joints, usually the most affected areas are: hands, knees, hips, neck and lower back, according to the health and medicine portal Medlineplus.

The media assures that when a joint is in optimal conditions “the ends of the bones are covered with a soft and slippery tissue called cartilage”. This is responsible for protecting the bones, helping them slide easily when the joint moves and performs its functions.

When a person suffers from osteoarthritis, the cartilage breaks, which causes the bones to rub against each other, causing intense pain in those who suffer from the disease; In addition, the diseasecan grow extra bone bumps in the joint area called bone spurs.”

The knee is the area that is most used and wears out when practicing any sport or repetitive movement; what’s more, fulfills the function of supporting the weight of the body, therefore it is common to present this type of conditions during aging. The health portal knee and foot clinic provides some recommendations for patients suffering from this condition. Before using these recommendations, it is best to have the approval of the treating physician.

Sometimes knee pain is not strong, but it can be annoying. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.
  • Prevention: The best thing that can be done to avoid suffering from diseases is to prevent, for this reason, it is recommended to practice physical activity frequently according to the age and conditions of each patient; This habit must be carried out throughout life. It is also important to drink enough water daily that the body needs (2 liters). To prevent diseases that damage the joints, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight; Therefore, eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes foods from all groups.
  • Perform stretches: These are essential to prevent damage to the knees. The medium mentions that it does not matter if you exercise regularly or not, but every day it is relevant to take 10 minutes to stretch the main muscles and joints of the body.
  • Apply cold and heat in the area: the cold helps reduce inflammation in the area and the heat improves blood circulation. To do this, you should use ice or a cloth soaked in hot water, as the case may be, and do intervals of 3 or 5 minutes for up to half an hour a day.
  • Eat well: Food plays a fundamental role in preventing any disease. Specialists suggest consuming proteins, legumes, carbohydrates in their natural state, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon, among others.

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