Teen killed man with machetes when they drank together

The authorities have already found the person responsible for this event that occurred in Maturín.

A 15-year-old adolescent was arrested by the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), as he is accused of having murdered a 40-year-old man when they were sharing drinks.

It happened in Maturín, when Edwin Mendoza appeared dead with several wounds on his body, caused by a knife. The investigations determined that a young man nicknamed “Maco” was responsible for taking his life with a machete.

The version offered by Douglas Rico, director of Cicpc, is that both were drinking alcohol when an argument arose, it was there when the minor took a machete and attacked him.

Cicpc officials detained the perpetrator in the Brisas del Oriente sector, Boquerón parish, Maturín municipality, Monagas state and he was placed under the order of the 10th Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Ministry.

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