Ten food items improve the level of cholesterol in the blood!


In order to lower the level of high cholesterol in the blood and avoid many of its consequences such as atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, it is advised to pay more attention to foods containing unsaturated fatty acids in the diet.

return high level cholesterol Mainly due to malnutrition. Continuous elevation can lead to serious health consequences, including atherosclerosis and life-threatening blood clots. The risk of heart attacks and strokes also increases.

The level of harmful cholesterol in the blood can be reduced by following the diet and foods that contain monounsaturated fatty acids such as vegetables, fruits and vegetable oils, especially olive oil.

Previous studies have shown that the more foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids are eaten, the less they accumulate Fats Excess cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The German Ovb Online website mentions ten foods that contain healthy fats:

precise Oats And oat bran not only resists fatty liver, but also lowers the level of cholesterol in the body or keeps it within the normal range. In this way, secondary diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke can be avoided.

The stone avocado is not only delicious in taste, but also healthy due to its monounsaturated fatty acids.

Olive oil reduces the risk of plaque in blood vessels and atherosclerosis, according to the German Heart Foundation. Vegetable fats such as olive oil by 48 percent also lower high blood pressure, which is the main risk factor for stroke.

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The level of cholesterol in the blood can be reduced with a teaspoon of olive oil flaxseed every day. This amount should be sufficient to lower blood lipid levels. Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and is therefore very healthy.

Reducing the accumulation of fats in the blood

Rapeseed oil is also recommended against high cholesterol, consisting of 66 percent monounsaturated fatty acids and 27 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Pine nuts contain a particularly large number of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids that the body needs, and therefore are particularly suitable for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.

The German Dietetic Association advises eating no more than a handful of Almonds(25 grams) per day. Almonds, in particular, are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and thus do not burden your cholesterol level.

Nuts also help improve the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Macadamia nuts are among the noblest nuts and also contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that help lower blood cholesterol levels. If you do not like almonds, try this type of nuts.

Walnuts have a positive effect on fat metabolism, as shown by a study conducted by the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. It has been shown that regular consumption of walnuts lowers cholesterol levels, regardless of avoiding other foods. Consuming 43 grams of walnuts per day improves fat metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol by about 5 percent.

Vegetables of any kind are good for you, if you want to lower your cholesterol level. mix Vegetables with soybeans. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in soybeans have been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels.

A.M./ A.H

Pictures “useful fats” burn harmful fats in the body

Although avocados contain a lot of unsaturated fats, these fats stimulate harmful fat burning processes and increase the harmony between the work of cells and fat-burning hormones.

Pictures “useful fats” burn harmful fats in the body

Not all fats are harmful. Coconut oil, for example, is directly converted into energy and not stored by the body, according to a report published by the German “Life More” website. So coconut oil is a fat burning catalyst.

Pictures “useful fats” burn harmful fats in the body

Tomato juice is not one of the widely circulated juices, but it helps to break down fat cells and is therefore a useful material for those looking for ways to lose weight.

Pictures “useful fats” burn harmful fats in the body

The health benefits of cinnamon are numerous in a way that makes experts recommend using it, whether as a drink or even as a spice for hot or sweet foods. Cinnamon helps to balance the insulin rate in the body and thus protects the person from the evil of sudden bouts of hunger.

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