The 3 tricks of Blake Lively’s coach to start playing sports

On many occasions we think that the exercise only serves to lose weight, ignoring the rest of the benefits that this healthy practice has for us, such as taking care of our muscles and bones or reducing the risk of suffering from diseases. As with the meditation, helps us reduce stress and anxiety levels, as well as to improve our self-esteem, so that its benefits, in addition to physical, they are also mental.

As it is, it is not uncommon for all of us at some point in our lives to have considered take things seriously and begin to make physical exercise a routine. Don Saladino, responsible for the toned figure of Blake Lively and from whom we have already learned some essential exercises to lose gut or the best fat burning tipsIt is clear that we cannot change the mistakes we have made in the past by leading a sedentary life, but we can change the future by putting the batteries together.

the best way to starting to exercise is doing it, without leaving it for another moment; However, Don recommends some tricks to do it in a way that works for everyone, since each person is different and each starts from a different level. Expect to do the same exercises as a professional and at the same intensity is condemn ourselves to frustration, one of the easiest ways to quit before you have started.

Find someone to guide you

For Saladino, one of the key tricks is to find a professional who can guide us, although it doesn’t necessarily have to be one with whom we can meet in the gym. There are no limits when it comes to accessing training, so he proposes us choose the version that is most comfortable for us. For example, we may use applications or videos if our schedules are not too flexible or if we prefer not to go to a gymThe key for him is that we put ourselves in the hands of a professional coach.

In general, it is always a good idea put ourselves in the best hands, For example, we do it in medical matters, or at least we should, and in this case it is no less important, since the professionals will be those who can solve our doubts and give answers to our queries, making the training easier for us to understand and preventing us from dragging on errors that may have long-term consequences.

Understand movement

Another of his key tricks resides on this question, since, as we have pointed out, making a exercise incorrectly It is the best way to hurt us. If we choose the option of having a virtual coach, with whom it is always convenient that we have some kind of contact to to be able to consult doubts, We will have to pay close attention to what it tells us, but also to how it does the exercise, in order to reproduce it correctly.

Each exercise has a specific starting position, a mode of being performed and an end, and it should not be done carelessly, not paying attention to basic details, such as sticking the elbows to the body, taking care of the position of the feet, the flexion of the knees or keep the core active. Executing the exercises with the same precision with which the coach teaches them is for Saladino a basic element for a good workout.

Adapt the intensity

By observing the work of a professional, we would like to do it the same way, the same repetitions and the same intensity to achieve the same results; however, Saladin reminds us that This is a long-distance race. If we try to push ourselves more than we know how to do or are capable of at our beginner level, it is very likely that we will end up frustrated or too sore to continue.

That’s why the best is adapt training to our abilities, not looking for simple exercises, because this is not what marks the difficulty of the session, but perhaps doing fewer repetitions or doing them with less weight or a lower intensity. The question is to be constant, this is how we will see the progress we seek and we can improve, making our body adapt to the increase in intensity and always achieve the best results.

Simple tips that do not hurt to remember When deciding to take the step and start exercising: always put ourselves in the best hands, pay attention to the instructions of the professionals and, above all, look for progress and don’t expect immediate results. Reaching our goals can take time and of course requires a commitment on our part, something that Saladino knows better than anyone, not for nothing has he managed to get in shape. some of the heroes of the moment, as Sebastan Stan (‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’) or Ryan Reynolds, star of ‘Deadpool’ and marido de Blake Lively.

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