The 39-year-old murderer is in a “special room” at the Psychiatric Clinic of Korydallos Prisons – 2024-04-17 18:39:34

The 39-year-old killer of Sunday in Agioi Anargyros on the evening of 1/4/24 he was transferred to a special “quiet room” lined with foam in the Korydallos Prison Psychiatric Clinic.

The murderer of Agioi Anargyri, after he was discharged shortly after 12 noon from the Tzanio Hospital and after the prison management got hold of his medical file, they decided that the ideal solution was to transfer him to the K1 penitentiary where was held before the… attempted suicide with the bandages that he attached to a screw to hang himself but in the psychiatric ward.

Of course, as “sources” on emphasize, the transfer to the PKK has nothing to do with any indication of a psychiatric disorder, but he was placed there, in order to be monitored for an expert opinion.

Yes, kept in a special area called a “quiet room” where it is considered a safety cell as the walls are lined with foam to avoid the possibility of injury.

In this specific area, the 39-year-old is being held alone, while following an order from the General Secretariat of Anti-Criminal Policy, the slaughterer of Aghii Anargyri will be supervised 24 hours a day, with the sophronistic employees checking every 15 minutes if everything is going well in the “tranquility room” and the prisoner is ok

According to information from, the killer is calm, subdued, avoids answering questions, repeating that he does not remember anything.

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