The 4 benefits of lemon for weight loss!

Verified on 03/12/2023 by PasseportSanté

Low in calories, rich in vitamins, energizing and anti-infective: lemon has all the health benefits you could wish for! Discover them!

A fruit rich in vitamin C

Lemon is an energizing fruit that is an excellent source of vitamin C! Vitamin that is important for strengthening the immune system, promoting skin health and improving iron absorption.

Lemon helps fight against fatigue and strengthens the immune system by protecting the body against winter illnesses such as colds!

A good fruit for digestion

Lemon can help digest food! Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can help stimulate bile production in the liver.

Bile is important for the digestion of fats in the intestine. Lemon helps digestion, fights intestinal fermentation and prevents kidney stones!

A detox fruit

Lemon juice is known for its ability to cleanse the liver! Lemon juice is used to cleanse the digestive system, eliminate toxins and boost metabolism.

Lemon is considered a detox fruit due to its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants.

A low calorie fruit

Lemon is low in calories and sugar! A serving of lemon, which equals approximately 28g, contains only 2g of sugar and 8 calories!

A great option for people looking to lose weight!

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