the 7 winning scientists from Neuquén and Río Negro

2023-09-10 05:00:00

This Tuesday, September 12, it will be the delivery of the prestigious Konex Diploma of Merit Awards 2023. 100 science and technology personalities who have stood out during the last decade will be distinguished, and 7 of them were born or work in Neuquén and Río Negro.

This is the 44th edition of the awards, which vary the category each year. This time is the fifth time that the activity of science and technology is considered.

In the past, they were Konex de Brillante, the highest award granted by the Konex Foundation, Luis Federico Leloir in 1983, René G. Favaloro and César Milstein in 1993, Luis Caffarelli and Mirta Roses in 2003, and Alberto R. Kornblihtt and Juan Martín Maldacena in 2013.

Here are the 7 winners from Patagonia Norte and what they have done:

Roberto Zysler

Roberto Zysler: He obtained a doctorate in Physics at the Balseiro Institute/UNCuyo. He carried out postdoctoral studies at CNR-Italy. He is a senior researcher at Conicet and Full Professor at the Balseiro Institute. He is dedicated to the basic study of magnetic nanoparticle systems. He also focuses on applications of those nanoparticles in biomedicine. Since 2021 he is manager of research, development and innovation of the National Atomic Energy Commission

Fabiana Gennari

Fabiana Gennari: She was born in Neuquén and graduated as a chemical engineer from the National University of Comahue. She has a doctorate in Engineering (UNLP, 1998). She works as principal researcher at Conicet, director of the physical chemistry of materials department at CNEA and professor at the Balseiro Institute (UNCuyo). She is a sector specialist in the consultancy convened by the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs to define the National Hydrogen Strategy 2030. She was awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO National Award for Women in Science in 2016. She is considered a reference in hydrogen technologies and energy transition.

Sol Pedre

Sol Pedre: She has a degree and doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Buenos Aires. She has worked as a researcher at the National Atomic Energy Commission since 2013, and is currently Area Manager of the CAREM project, the first nuclear power reactor of 100% Argentine design and one of the most advanced of its type in the world, under construction in Lima, province of Buenos Aires. She is vice president of the Board of CONUAR SA, the company that manufactures fuel for Argentine nuclear power plants. She is also an adjunct professor at the Balseiro Institute.

Marcelo Aizen

Marcelo Aizen: He has a doctorate in biology from the University of Massachusetts, United States, and a Senior Researcher at CONICET. He is a Full Professor in the Department of Ecology of the National University of Comahue. His research has strongly influenced contemporary understanding of pollination and its implications for conservation and agriculture around the world. He received the Michel Bergeron Prize (2022) awarded by the Federation of Scientific Organizations for the Advancement of Science in the Americas (Interciencia), and the Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS).

Luke Garibaldi

Luke Garibaldi: He is an agronomist and doctor in agricultural sciences. He directs the Institute for Research in Natural Resources, Agroecology and Rural Development, which depends on the National University of Río Negro and Conicet in Bariloche. He is also a researcher, professor and author or co-author of 172 articles, 9 books and 27 chapters or parts of books. He received 23 awards, including the Golden Bee Award, Houssay Award, and Bunge y Born Foundation Award. He works ad-honorem in intergovernmental scientific-political platforms, with producer associations and making audiovisual series, among others.

Alberto Caneiro

Alberto Caneiro: He has a doctorate in Physics and researches in Materials Science with emphasis on materials for Energy. He is Head of the Materials Characterization Department of the Bariloche Atomic Center and senior researcher at Conicet, and professor at the Balseiro Institute. He collaborates with YPF-Tecnología for the development of an electron microscopy laboratory that supports various research and development projects.

Damian Zanette

Damian Zanette: He has a doctorate in Physics and carried out postdoctoral research in several institutes in Italy and Germany. He is a CONICET researcher at the Bariloche Atomic Center and a professor at the Balseiro Institute. He studies emergent collective phenomena and self-organization in biological and socioeconomic systems. He is also interested in the statistical properties of natural languages, such as human languages ​​and music.

The Grand Jury of the Konex 2023 Awards is made up of 20 outstanding personalities. It is chaired by Alberto Kornblihtt (2013 Konex Brillante Award), its General Secretary is Mirta Roses (2003 Konex Brillante Award) and its Special Guest, Juan Martín Maldacena, who researches at Princeton University and 2013 Konex Brillante Award).

#winning #scientists #Neuquén #Río #Negro

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