The Art of Matcha: From Japanese Tradition to Culinary Creativity and Well-being

2023-11-27 05:30:00

Matcha has deep roots in Japan, where it was first introduced by Buddhist monks in the 9th century. However, it really took off during the Song Dynasty era in China, where it was called “luóchá” and exported to Japan.

Since then, Matcha has become an essential part of Japanese tea culture, embodying the philosophy of wabi-sabi which values ​​simplicity, harmony and tranquility.

Production and preparation

Matcha is made from specially grown green tea leaves. The tea bushes are shaded for several weeks before harvest, which results in an increase in chlorophyll and amino acid content, giving the tea its distinctive taste.

The leaves are then dried and ground into a fine green powder, this is called Matcha.

Preparing Matcha is an experience in itself. The powder is whipped with hot water using a special bamboo whisk (chasen) until a velvety foam is obtained.

The Japanese ritual of the tea ceremony, called “chanoyu”, highlights this precise and meticulous preparation. Matcha can also be prepared more casually in everyday cooking.

In the kitchen

Matcha is versatile and can be used in a variety of culinary recipes. It can be incorporated into drinks such as smoothies and cocktails.

Additionally, it is a popular ingredient in baking, where it adds a subtle green tea flavor and vibrant color. You can create cakes, cookies, frostings, and even Matcha ice cream for an exquisite and healthy touch.


As a green tea, Matcha is rich in antioxidants, including catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Regular consumption of Matcha can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and weight loss.

In addition, Matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and improves concentration. This means that Matcha can provide sustained energy and mental clarity, without the downside of energy spikes and crashes associated with caffeine.

In short, Matcha tea is much more than just a drink. It is a window on Japanese tea culture, a source of culinary creativity and a booster of well-being. If you haven’t had the chance to taste this magical green tea powder yet, it’s time to give it a try!

#Practical #Matcha #tea #dive #world #serenity

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