The Belarusian people join the war! Volunteers formed spontaneously but swore to join the “Ukrainian” army | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Belarus, a former Soviet Union member country, has always been a pro-Russian country. After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the outside world generally believed that this country was the biggest worry in northern Ukraine, which expanded the conflict. The Belarusian opposition, including retired personnel, spontaneously formed volunteers and swore to join the Ukrainian army.

In the film, the Volunteer Corps, named after the 19th-century Belarusian revolutionary Kastus Kalinouski, used the Belarusian language to swear to join the Ukrainian military. The dictatorship promotes the use of Russian and discriminates against people who speak Belarusian.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Belarus announced to secede from the Soviet Union, but due to a series of economic crises at home, it turned to Russia and gradually alienated from the West.

Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko has been president for 27 years and has been included in the European sanctions list for providing strategic assistance to the Russian military. Lukashenko said shortly after the war last month that the conflict between the two countries could not be called a “war” because Ukraine would become a meat grinder if the conflict lasted less than three days.

Belarus, a former Soviet Union member country, has always been a pro-Russian country. After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the outside world generally believed that this country was the biggest worry in northern Ukraine, which expanded the conflict. The Belarusian opposition, including retired personnel, spontaneously formed volunteers and swore to join the Ukrainian army.

The Belarusian people join the war!Volunteers formed but sworn to join the “Ukrainian” army

Named after the 19th-century revolutionary Kastus Kalinouski, the Belarusian opposition Volunteers swore in Belarusian to join the Ukrainian military.Image: Taken from Twitter

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